Thursday, December 22, 2005

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Well, well, well. It's been a while. Interesting events in the Natural State (that's Arkansas for all you, well, non-Arkansans). First up, we got our first snow of the season last Wednesday night/Thursday morning, Dec 7th/8th. Troy, our chief meteorologist at FOX said on the previous Monday that it was going to and I have to admit I was skeptical, considering I seriously debated on wearing shorts that very morning. Bottom was warm outside. So on the Monday night newscast, Troy was planning on saying that it was going to snow in a matter of hours. However, he wasn't going to bother saying that it was going to be about 48 hours until it actually snowed. Following that logic, I succeded in convincing him that you could technically say that anything was going to happen in a matter of hours, as in "We're all going to die in a matter of hours," however, I advised him against letting that slip out on the air.

On Wednesday, my FOX boss called me to tell me that, since it was going to snow that night, we were going to overreact and do a 3-hour newscast the following morning from 5-8 am. (He didn't say the part about overreacting, that's my own little interpretation). I said ok and then immediately regretted it as soon as I hung up. That night I was packing (I moved, more on that later) and it got around to 11:00 and I realized that I was going to have to get up at 3:00am in order to get ready and get to the studio for the 4:00am crew call. So, I decided, in all my infinite wisdom, to just not go to sleep that night. That way I could pack more and I wouldn't oversleep. So 4:00 rolls around and I walk out the door to about 1-2 inches of snow on the ground. We did the three hour show and I was wide awake. I can do this, I thought to myself, I don't need sleep. I went to work at 9:00 am and got to about 11:00 before I sent Jennifer out to get me anything from Starbuck's that had a lot of caffeine. After my drink (I think it was a gingerbread latte) I again felt great. However, about 3:00 pm I started to notice that my body had aged a lot in the 1.5 years since I was in college. I actually fell asleep in my chair sitting straight up. Roby knew I had stayed up all night so he let me go home a little early. Upon arriving home, I realized that that night was to be my first outing with my Little Brother, Christian. I drank lots of Coke and ran out the door to pick him up. Christian decided that we should go rock climbing and I agreed. After about an hour of climbing, it was time to go, so I told Christian that we could go down the street to FOX if he wanted to. He said he did so we ventured to the studio and I showed him all the different parts of the set, but by far his favorite part was the chromakey (green screen) that meteorologists stand in front of to do the weather. You can put any background you want on the screen so our director Sean put what was on FOX on the screen. So Christian and I were in an episode of The OC. He loved it. He wanted to sit and play on it forever but I convinced him to go and on our way out we got to watch Donna do a live topical. Afterwards, we went to Wal-Mart and got some photos printed that I took of him at the studio. We then stopped at Taco Bell on our way back to his house. Good times.

This past weekend, the 10th-11th, I moved from my old apartment to my new apartment which is just up the hill. My parents came and helped me move (THANK YOU!!!). Luckily, Janet and Cecil Clark let them borrow their truck (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!) so I didn't have to rent a UHAUL. Long story short, it took me about 4 days to completely move everything out and turn in my key but now I've got my new apartment which I'm liking a lot. It will probably now take me about 4 months to get everything unpacked.

So that's about everything that's been happening with me. If you want to leave a comment so that I know that people are actually reading this, just click on comments at the end of this entry and then click on Other and type in your name and comment. At the bottom where it says word verification, just type in the letters it shows and click "Publish Your Comment." The word verification protects my blog from spam. Bye.

Friday, December 02, 2005

I got called Joey today. It's almost become a game for me. How many names that start with J can I be called except for Jordan? The answer: a lot.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

November 29, 2005 4:38 pm

I will from now on remember that day as the day that a strong thread that practically held the patchwork of my happy childhood together was yanked clean, leaving me to try to hold together the unraveling pieces of my very existence. That very day I discovered that part of my childhood and now adulthood was a lie. I equate this experience to the fateful school bus ride home in the 2nd grade when Eric Imken told me that there was no such thing as Santa Clause. On November 29, at 4:38 pm I thumbed through my Entertainment Weekly and that's where I made my discovery. For 23 years, I have lived my life day in and day out thinking that the little kid's voice at the end of practically every show on TV would say "Sit, Booboo, sit. Good dog." This is not the case. The child actually says "Sit Ubu, sit. Good dog." There's no telling what kind of trauma this will cause me but luckily I'll be able to talk it through with the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy. I can still count on them.