Saturday, February 18, 2006

Call me what you want...a glutton for punishment...whatever. But here I am, back at FOX for another 12 hour shift. First, there were the tornadoes in November, now there is freezing rain and sleet. Famine and pestilence are surely right around the corner. We're doing weather cut-ins every hour and I've gotten to actually direct a few!! Of course, they were at 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning so if I messed up, it's not like many people would notice.


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jordan. sounds like the problems just keep following you lol. first all that, then losing monopoly, it just gets worse and worse. lol jk. a 12 houor shift!! and right now your writing blogs at 2:11 in the morning! lol


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