Thursday, October 06, 2005

There are certain times of the day that just bring a smile to your face and an overall warm and fuzzy feeling. Like 4:55 pm when you're coasting your way through the work day. Or 7:00 pm when a favorite show comes on and you get to relax on the couch and just let the TV waves completely zap you of the energy and will to do anything. However, waking up to see 5:30 am on the trusty alarm clock doesn't exactly whip me into a frenzy. I was awoken by the tap, tap, tapping of some guy's fist on the door of the apartment next to mine. And the ringing of the doorbell. And then more knocking. I eventually got up, threw on some clothes in the dark, and stumbled downstairs to see what was going on. I watched the guy for a few seconds until he left. I then wandered back up the stairs (thinking back, I'm really impressed that I had the agility to navigate the stairs in the dark, half-asleep) and got back in my warm bed. 5 minutes later, more knocking. I wanted to go down and open the door and tell the guy to shut it, but then my desire to see my kids grow up outweighed that plan. After about a minute the guy left for good.

I got my invitation for the official world premiere of Kids in America last week and everytime I look at it I want to throw up. It's in downtown Hollywood and I would do anything to go so if you would like to contribute to my fund to fly myself to LA (should only be about $300) then let me know. Amy already pledged $20, who can beat her? Come on people, let's send me to Hollywood. I'll take lots of pictures of me with all the celebrities. If that's not a selling point, I don't know what is.


At 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

jordan i will give you $30 but only if you will take me with you :)


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