Sunday, September 25, 2005

I survived. 19 hours locked in a television studio, but I survived. We got some major tornadoes, flooding and other crazy, crazy weather, but I survived. I've now been awake for 30 hours and have caught my 8th wind. Thankfully we had plenty to do. I brought my PS2, book, and movies and we ended up watching Napoleon Dynamite on the 12 feet screen on the set and playing Monopoly all night. I also got to hook up my PS2 and play on the plasma screens. So all in all, would I do it again?

Are you kidding me? Of course not. Did you miss the part where I said I've been awake for 30 hours.

My internship movie is really going to happen. The new website was unveiled and you can go to it at and watch the trailer. I spent the whole time figuring out where I was standing in each scene. Off camera of course.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

It's begun.

Yesterday, I finally got our video system set up at the new studio and was in a particularly generous mood when I got a call from my boss at FOX. We were going to do one minute weather cut-ins every hour and he needed to see if I could cover one of the shifts. "OK," I said, "which shift?"

Fast forward to me coming into work at the normal time 6:15 pm Saturday. I'm not leaving until 12:00 noon Sunday. And so it's begun. I'm already getting antsy. 5 hours down, 13 to go. Maybe I can get out early for good behavior.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

<- Here's a picture of the Duke from Colton's. Looking at him, you can tell he's very disappointed in himself, yet I can still enjoy my steak sitting under his painting.

I've become one of those people. A runner. Well, I guess I can't really call myself a runner yet since running two times on a treadmill doesn't really cement my path to athletic stardom. I collected everything I would need to start a new regiment: an iPod, running shoes and a treadmill to run on. I had everything I needed, so naturally it took me two months to actually start. My first run was rather embarrassing. I made it 8 minutes running at 6 mph before I practically fell off the treadmill, waiting for the feeling in my legs to return. I've always heard people say that their legs felt like jello, but I never really understood until then. I actually consider it a defining moment as I can now join a conversation when someone says "my arms felt like jello" by regaling them with my misadventures in fitness: "You think that's bad, wait 'til you hear about my legs!"

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Judging by the frequency of my posts, it seems I am falling into the pattern of most of my past endeavors....namely, apathy. However, it's really hard to post about all the exciting and amazing things in my life when, well, everything's not that exciting nor amazing. So that leaves me with the duty of hyping up the mundane aspects of my life while waiting for all those exciting and amazing things to happen. I spent most of the weekend trying to reinstall an older version of iTunes on my computer because Apple decided that it was going to release their new improved version 5.0 that was new, but far from improved. The only accurate way to describe it would be "a huge step backward for humanity in general." That's about all I've got for now, but stay tuned, especially all my illiterate friends, because I will soon be adding pictures to my blog. Of course, if you're illiterate then you can't read that last sentence.Well, just get a literate friend to read it to you. Of course, if you're illiterate then you won't be able to read that last sentence telling you to get a friend to read that other sentence to you. Well, let's face it, if you're illiterate then you're not on this website to begin with. You're out chasing stray dogs in the street or checking the trees in your yards for little elves that will make you cookies. Peace out.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

3 whole days since my last post. Not too shabby considering there was a very good chance that my blog would be DOA on account of my short attention span regarding anything that needs constant updating. Everything is the same here at the casa de Foster other than the fact that my big Hollywood adventure is finally coming to fruition in the form of a release date. That's right, my movie is actually going to be released in real theaters in actual cities across America. Well, 60 cities that is. It seems that the little movie that could, came really far, but stopped just short of the most coveted "wide release." But the good news is that it is an actual movie and not some elaborate "Punk" (someday you'll get what's coming to you Kutcher) as I was accustomed to thinking after a whole year had gone by with absolutely no news about it. So with the limited release (it probably won't be here in Little Rock) and the cheap airfare (way cheaper to fly than drive) I'm going back to Dallas to see my big break in Hollywood (my hand is in the opening credits, close-up). The weekend of October 21 will be the premiere to end all premieres. We're talking dinner at a restaurant that has real cloth napkins, putting on my most expensive clothes (a combined total of roughly $40) and rolling out the red carpet. Now all that's left is locating and buying a roll of red carpet because, although I'll bother them incessantly until the premiere, I doubt the movie theater will roll one out just for me....this time. Peace out.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Alright, alright, alright. I'm thrusting myself into the world of weblogs, or blogs. So you now have a place to come and get an in depth account of all things about my life. I know, I know, you're welcome. Now you don't have to wonder anymore about all the inner workings of my social life. You can find out everything you need to know right here. And now, I shall go make myself a grilled cheese sandwich.