Thursday, October 20, 2005

Last night, I was at the zoo with a lot of people and we were concerned about the monkeys being trapped in their lavish many acre environment. So whoever I was with decided to kidnap the monkeys and take them somewhere else "to save them". At this point, I was really worried because, as so many people know, I am, and always will be, a rule-follower. I don't park in the take-out spaces at restaurants unless I'm picking up food. I stand at the "Please Wait Here" sign and wait to be called at the checkout line at Barnes & Noble. And I always, always, always use my turn signal even when going around a curve where you have no choice but to turn. So, in summation, I follow the rules. Well, imagine my shock when the other person wants to steal the monkeys. I tried to convince the others that the monkeys were well fed and comfortable and loved the zoo but the others wouldn't listen. "These monkeys deserve to live free," my associate said, "and once we take them to their new home at the aquarium, they will be able to live as nature intended." At this point, I was beside myself. "No, we can't do this. These monkeys deserve to...wait a second...did you say you're taking these monkeys to the aquarium." And that's when the light bulb went off in my head, the hamster hit full speed on his little wheel, and all the pieces fell into place. I was in a dream. It's a rare occurance when you're dreaming and you actually stop and say to yourself, "wait, this is all too ridiculous. I'm in a dream." So at that point, I lost all interest in the monkeys. "Sure, break 'em out. Sell 'em to the circus, I don't care. Now, if I can only find the Tropic Tan swimsuit team..."


At 7:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have no idea what in the world you were talking about. You'll be swell! You'll be great!! You'll have the whole world on a plate! Starting here starting now! Honey evrythings coming upi roses!!!

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jordan,
Just thought I would let you know that your movie is playing in Longview.


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